Monday, June 30, 2014

July 1 Fiverr "Vacation Day" ARS Protest

July 1 - TOMORROW - and due to Fiverr's unwillingness to listen to its sellers - the people who help keep them going - many of us (perhaps just a few of us) are standing up for others who use the site. We are doing this by shutting down our gigs and making it known WHY we are doing this in our profiles.

Why would we do this? Are we only hurting ourselves?

Not at all! Think about this scenario if you will:

You're a Top Rated Seller. You have a buyer who orders your gig that has a timeframe of 7 days.  You have a queue already of 5 buyers who also need their order complete. One day passes and you get a message from the new buyer asking if their work is complete yet. You write back and explain that you have seven days to get it done in. They understand that, but they need the work now. And, if it's not done, they'll give you 1-star for not getting it complete in their timeframe. You tell them they need to order an Extra Fast option to give it to them quicker. They write back, saying they know about it but refuse to pay for it. Either give them the work now or you get a 1-star rating for response.


It's an unfair system. Does Fiverr acknowledge this? Of course not! They've got their heads stuck in the sand, refusing to believe that this could happen - that IT IS happening already to hard-working sellers.   You can read about it via the Fiverr Forum and Fiverr Blog.

What Issues Should Fiverr Really Work On 

There are so many other issues that Fiverr could have been working on to make this site the great it was turning out to be including but certainly not limited to:

  • Ensuring delivery of messages
  • Offering sellers the ability to accept/decline button
  • Show buyer ratings (to go in hand with accept/decline button)
  • Reduce hold on monies (it's increased from 14 to 15 days (after buyer approval) or from 17 to 18 days (without buyer approval)
  • Removing unwarranted feedback
  • Improve search rankings 

Again, this is just SOME of the many bugs on the website. Scary isn't it? How can one do business with a website where sellers (and buyers too) are revolting against an unfair buyer-sided system? I wouldn't want to do "business". And, without buyers, Fiverr cannot make money. And, without sellers, there are no buyers, which means no made can be made for Fiverr..

So, are we shooting ourselves in the foot? No... we are making sure that we are heard!  A one to three-day protest is all it takes to shake things up. That and lots of publicity. Spread the word! Share the posts about it....

Here's an article written about this July 1 protest:

Read it and spread the word - let people hear it (buyers will go elsewhere and potential sellers will opt not to sign up).  And, maybe the hurt Fiverr feels will get them to realize this system is lacking real sustenance. Perhaps they'll start to realize that the only person they're hurting is themselves. It'll take time but it can be done!

We have the power to make a change! 


Fiverr sellers and buyers.. this is the time we need to unite!


Share your feelings about the Fiverr protest in the comments. Do you agree that change can be made?

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